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楼主 |
发表于 2017-6-5 10:32
作词:汪峰 作曲:汪峰
拿起古筝,缓缓弹拨细细的琴弦,优美的音符 个个轻快的跳出,弹奏 曲古典之韵,在这春天里,用琴勾勒出来的音蒹葭动人的美感。
Pick up the guzheng plucked strings, slowly thin, beautiful notes a brisk jump, play a musical rhyme, in the spring, sketched out by the sound of a piano in the charming beauty.
作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦 二胡:廖鑫
奏悠然的滑音将人带入世外桃源,古筝缓缓落入,三次主题画龙点睛。中段二胡慷慨激昂,又不乏无奈之情。余音绕梁,三日不 。
A prelude to leisurely glide people into the land of idyllic beauty, guzheng slowly fell in three thematic touch. The middle of the erhu, speak in excitement emotion, and there is no lack of the sentiment. The tune lingered in the room., three days without a break.
作词:李姝、LUNA 作曲:霍尊
奏的箫声瑟瑟,模拟味十足。随后钢琴与琵琶缓缓流入,后古筝悠然自得,听起来时而温文尔雅,时而又热情奔放。总会有 种迷离恍惚的感觉萦绕在脑海里,不知是梦在生活之外。
The sound of prelude sound very well. Then piano and Pipa slowly in, finally the guzheng carefree and content, sounds and refined and cultured, sometimes passionate. There is always a brown study feeling lingering in my mind, I do not know is a dream outside the life.
作词:郭敬明、落落 作曲:刘大江
指 不断拨弄琴弦,那悠悠地弹奏飘逸着忧伤的情感。披带薄纱端坐古筝旁,十指轻轻挑动琴弦,琴声低诉,犹如小女子的心事。
Fingertip fiddle with the stringsconstantly,the leisurely play elegant feeling of sadness. Sitting beside the drape belt gauze guzheng, ten fingers gently stirring the strings, like a woman’s mind.
作词:凯传 作曲:士心孙善耕
奏的琵琶晶莹剔透,竹笛清脆且飘渺,古筝如泉水般优美流畅的音乐流进心里,清净甘甜的感觉霎时传遍 身。
The prelude of the pipa, glittering and translucent, crisp and ethereal flute, zither such as spring like graceful flowing music flow into the heart, pure and sweet feeling suddenly spread throughout the body.
作词:陈有才 作曲:陈有才
奏的搭配融为 体,特别是小提琴的音色让人心旷神怡,随后的古筝缓则如细雨抚桐,张扬似朔风吹雪,舒展如微风拂柳。鼓点与吉他犹如画龙点睛之笔。
The prelude of the collocation com., especially the violin sound lets the human feel fresh, then the guzheng slow, like rain Fu Tong, publicity like the north wind blowing snow, such as the stretch of a breeze willow. Drums and guitar as a punchline.
作词:庄奴 作曲:海沼実
飘飘荡荡、婉转忧郁,细细地品味中,别有 番滋味上心头。流水潺潺,高山静谧,十指挥动琴弦,给生命纯净的呼吸,给心灵美的感受。
Float, mildly depressed, careful to taste, have a anther taste in my heart.Ten fingers in command of the strings, to give the life the most pure breath, give the most beautiful feeling to the soul.
作词:李俊 作曲:李伟才
奏的钢琴与吉他恰到好处的带入情景中,心底深处那份感动和痴迷,毫无征兆涌上心头,筝音 如秋天黄叶的金黄和内心的深红!
Piano and guitar just perfect prelude to situations in the depths of the heart, that moved and obsession, no sign of my heart, zheng music as yellow leaves of autumn golden and crimson heart!
作词:姚谦 作曲:陕北民歌改编
奏的搭配十分 ,小提琴悠然飘扬,随后出来的古筝音色,让人心醉,细腻而深沉的古筝,加入二胡的伴奏,把旋律、意境和感觉交融在 起。让人沉醉其中、与心共鸣。
The prelude of the collocation is very perfect, violin leisurely flying, then out of the Zheng timbre, intoxicating, delicate and deep guzheng, erhu accompaniment to join, melody, mood and feeling blend together. Let a person get drunk, and heart.
10 帘幽梦
作词:琼瑶 作曲:刘家昌
演奏技巧娴熟,潇洒自如,漫传世纪的 帘幽梦,穿越飞奔如梭的时光,在这舒缓流畅的音乐声中悄然停留。
Performance of skilled, natural and unrestrained, yilianyoumeng diffuse spread century, through the flying time of the flies, quietly stay in the gentle flow of the sound of music.
作词:陈曦 作曲:董冬冬
这优雅的旋律似春花雪月,在 根根雨骤飞花般变换的弦中款款走来,风姿绰约,深深打动人心,时间都去哪儿了?殊不知,竟在筝弦上弥漫了岁月。
This elegant melody like spring snow, charming appearance and personality in the root of a rain fly like transform strings, walking leisurely, deeply moving, time gone? As everyone knows, in Zheng string filled time.
原词:韩愈 作曲:讴歌
The silent night sky and the moon lining, long zither sound, float, mildly melancholy, in the heart of the school will miss to listen, learn to love, learn to be grateful.
01 春天里
02 烟花易冷
03 卷珠帘
04 时间煮雨
05 花香伴你走天涯
06 南海姑娘
07 又见炊烟
08 雁南飞
09 知道不知道
10 一帘幽梦
11 时间爱你都去哪儿了
12 幽兰操